Read the following text about an unusual farm.


Cockroach farm in China


Most people don’t like cockroaches, but one man from China is an exception. He has a cockroach farm which brings him a fortune. He has nearly one square mile of the bugs, and one kilo of them is sold for $16. People use cockroach shells and oil in Chinese medicine to treat a lot of diseases. However, these medical products say nothing about the cockroaches on their information packets.


Adapted. Retrieved from https://www.newsinlevels.com/products/cockroach-farm-in-china-level-2/ on February 27, 2022.


Based on the previous text, write T (true) or F (false).


(  ) It is usual for people to reject cockroaches.


(  ) The cockroach farm cost the Chinese man a lot of money.


(  ) The medicinal use of the cockroach is limited to a few diseases.


(  ) The formula of the medicine specifies the cockroach use in its composition.


The correct sequence is, respectively:

T – F – T – T.

T – F – T – F.

F – T – T – T.

T – F – F – F.

F – F – F – T.

Leia a situação sobre a emergência da febre amarela no Brasil.


Minas Gerais has been the hardest-hit Brazilian state. The health emergency will be in place for six months and will allow local authorities to commission special services and buy in emergency materials.


Disponível em: . Acesso em: 26 jan. 2018.


Levando em conta seus estudos sobre comparative adjectives, escolha a opção que completa a frase abaixo corretamente:


“The outbreak of yellow fever in Minas Gerais state was _________ in other Brazilian states.”

as critical as

less critical than

harder as

as hard as

more critical than

Os antônimos representam uma característica semântica importante que é a de usar palavras que tenham significados contrários.

Da relação a seguir, a opção que apresenta palavras antônimas é:

intelligent – clever

quit – stop

pretty – beautiful

begin - start

large – small

Leia a reportagem, a seguir, sobre a divulgação dos resultados de uma pesquisa acerca do desenvolvimento das habilidades de leitura nas crianças da geração atual.


The problem with one of the biggest changes in education around the world


There's an interesting thing happening in countries where kids are the most comfortable with computers: they aren't reading all that well. In fact, the more children use computers at school, the more their reading abilities seem to suffer.


The reason why computers and Internet use seem to be having this adverse affect is likely fairly straightforward: the time kids are spending getting acquainted with computers is time they aren't spending honing their reading skills. It's no coincidence that chatting online is the activity that seems to hurt students' reading ability the most – using email and browsing, both of which involve reading and processing longer texts, appear to be the least harmful.


But computers might also be killing more helpful paths of thought and discovery. ”Students are cutting and pasting answers instead of finding them,” said Andreas Schleicher, who is the director of education at the OECD and lead author of the study.


Disponível em: . Acesso em: 17 fev. 2015.  


Relacionando os apontamentos do texto anterior à discussão de Lapkoski (2012) sobre o processamento da leitura, é possível concluir que o uso indiscriminado das tecnologias

pode privar o leitor em formação do desenvolvimento de estratégias cognitivas que o permitirão ler de maneira proficiente diferentes tipos e gêneros textuais.

pode fazer com que o jovem leitor rejeite leituras adequadas à sua idade deixando de conhecer gêneros textuais fundamentais à sua formação como os contos de fada.

pode prejudicar a aprendizagem do leitor porque os textos eletrônicos apresentam conteúdos mais superficiais devido à rápida velocidade da informação no meio virtual.

pode levar o leitor em desenvolvimento a restringir seu hábito de leitura a textos disponibilizados em suportes textuais eletrônicos como e-mails e chats.

pode afastar o leitor infantil do texto escrito impresso devido ao excesso de estímulos visuais e sonoros dos textos escritos e falados disponibilizados no espaço virtual.

Read the warning issued by the Brazilian Health Minister about one of the greatest public crisis in the country’s history:


The fight against Zika could only be won if people did their part to eradicate the mosquito which transmits it, Mr Castro said.


Texto adaptado. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 11 mar. 2016.


In the text, the pronoun "it" replaces the following term:






A crise econômica global tem afetado diversos países e os jovens têm lutado contra seus efeitos. A esse respeito, leia o texto a seguir e responda ao que se pede.


Younger workers disadvantaged


1 A degree has been far more valuable for older college-educated workers in Europe. It is still quite difficult for young European college graduates to find a job. The unemployment rate for workers under age 25 is 2.6 times that of the total jobless rate, according to Eurostat.


2 In Spain, where unemployment is expected to stay above 25% through 2016, university graduates have an advantage, with a jobless rate of 17%. But examining the data reveals age disparities. Today in Spain, 45% of university graduates aged 16 to 24 are unemployed, according to the country’s national statistical office, far higher than the overall unemployment rate for university graduates. 


Disponível em: . Acesso em: 08 jun. 2013.


A ideia central desse texto é que, no atual cenário econômico da Espanha:

os jovens estão mais propensos ao desemprego, mesmo possuindo qualificação profissional.

quase metade dos jovens espanhóis está no mercado de trabalho mesmo com a crise econômica.

os jovens abaixo dos 25 anos têm mais que o dobro de chances de encontrarem um emprego.

os jovens estão em desvantagem no mercado de trabalho devido à inexperiência profissional.

quase metade dos jovens espanhóis vai à universidade para melhor qualificação profissional.

Leia, a seguir, uma pequena biografia do artista holandês Van Gogh.


Vincent Van Gogh (March 30, 1853 - July 29, 1890) is generally considered the greatest Dutch painter after Rembrandt, though he had little success during his lifetime. Van Gogh produced all of his work (some 900 paintings and 1100 drawings) during a period of only 10 years before he succumbed to mental illness (possibly bipolar disorder) and committed suicide. His fame grew rapidly after his death especially following a showing of his paintings in Paris in 1901 (11 years after his death).


Van Gogh's influence on expressionism, fauvism and early abstraction was enormous, and can be seen in many other aspects of 20th-century art. The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam is dedicated to Van Gogh's work and that of his contemporaries.


Several paintings by Van Gogh rank among the most expensive paintings in the world. On March 30, 1987 Van Gogh's painting "Irises" was sold for a record $53.9 million at Southeby's, New York. On May 15, 1990 his portrait of Doctor Gachet was sold for $82.5 million at Christie's, thus establishing a new price record.


Disponível em: . Acesso em: 16 fev. 2017.




Leias as assertivas, a seguir, com base no texto sobre Vincent Van Gogh:


(I) O holandês é considerado o maior artista plástico de seu país.

(II) O artista surpreende pela grande produção em pouco tempo.

(III) O trabalho de Van Gogh influenciou a estética do século XX.

(IV) O valor de suas pinturas é parâmetro no mercado das artes.

(V) A produção exaustiva é apontada como causa de seu suicídio. 


As assertivas que estão de acordo com o texto de referência são, apenas:

I, III e IV.

I, II e III.

I, II e IV.


I, III e V.

Leia este trecho de notícias e considere o pronome “it” em negrito, no 2º parágrafo:


The biggest factor influencing businesses today is technology, said top bank executive Jean Lemierre at the Singapore Summit.


He added that it is changing the way we operate. “I do not belong to the group of people who think that technology will destroy jobs — technology will change the jobs.”


“We need to pay a lot of attention to training, education, adaptation. At the end of the day, it will be an element for growth and it will be positive,” Lemierre said.


Disponível em: https://www.cnbc.com/2017/09/15/singapore-summit-tech-wont-destroy-jobs-just-change-them-says-bnp-paribas-chairman.html. Acesso em: 15 set. 2017.


De acordo com seus estudos em coesão, o pronome “it” refere-se à seguinte palavra:






Read the following article about the Tokyo Lost-and-Found center:


If it can be lost on the streets of Tokyo, it can be found in the city’s lost-and-found center, where everything from diamond rings to dentures and millions of dollars in stray cash await their owners. “I’m not surprised anymore by what people lose”, says custodian Nobuo Hasuda as he walks along the paths between wheelchairs, snowshoes, motorcycle, helmets, and trumpets. Typical of a country obsessed with order and detail, every item is scrupulously labeled with time and place of recovery, then computer archived. (Texto adaptado. SASLOW; ASCHER, 2006, p.118)


Now, mark true (T) or false (F) according to the previous article:


(    ) procedures to store an object in the center need to be improved.

(    ) people are expected in the center to retrieve their lost belongings.

(    ) Tokyo Lost-and-Found center is dedicated to store ordinary items.

(    ) Mr. Hasuda got used to the type of things he receives in the center.


The correct sequence of is:

T – T – F – T.

T – T – F – F.

F – F – T – T.

F – T – F – T.

F – T – F – F.

Leia o texto a seguir sobre como a Coréia do Norte e a Coréia do Sul reataram relações diplomáticas ao reabrir canal de comunicação:


Koreas to march under single 'united' flag in Olympic Games


North and South Korea have agreed to march together under a single "unified Korea" flag at next month's Winter Olympics in the South. They also agreed to field a joint women's ice hockey team in rare talks at the truce village of Panmunjom.


These are the first high-level conversations between the countries in more than two years. It marks a thaw in relations that began in the New Year when North Korea offered to send a team to the games.


The games will take place between 9 and 25 February in Pyeongchang in South Korea. If the plans are realised, a hundreds-strong North Korean delegation – including 230 cheerleaders, 140 orchestral musicians and 30 taekwondo athletes – could cross into the South via the land border to attend the Winter Olympics. It will mean the opening of the cross border road for the first time in almost two years.


Texto adaptado. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 17 jan. 2018.


Com base no texto anterior, é possível afirmar que:

Os países abrirão as fronteiras pela primeira vez em quase dois anos.

As delegações das Coréias do Norte e do Sul já competiram juntas antes.

Atletas Sul Coreanos irão cruzar a fronteira do país para participar dos jogos.

As Olimpíadas de Inverno irão acontecer na vila de Panmunjom.

A trégua entre os países começou antes do Ano Novo.

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